16-08-2020 - 16-08-2020

On 16th august Rotary Club of Panvel Industrial Town in association with Forest dept, Dawoodi Bohra Samaj and Inner wheel Club of Panvel Industrial town inaugurated the rotary forest project by planting 100 fully grown trees of 8 to 10 ft height and 100 saplings of 2 to 3 feet. This event was a beginning to a 12.5 acres afforestation drive to create a Rotary Forest. Dawoodi Bohra Samaj was awarded a certificate of Excellence in Service for 25 years of association as partner in service. Janaab Aamil Saheb Murtuza Bhai Saheb Hassani was presented this award on behalf of Dawoodi Bohra Samaj.

Project Details

Start Date 16-08-2020
End Date 16-08-2020
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 350
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Dawoodi Bohra Samaj
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Environment Protection