15-05-2020 - 15-05-2020

RCPIT in collaboration with other clubs of Panvel region and Indian Dental Association participated in a synergy project of distribution of infrared thermometers to Police stations and municipal employees. IDA had planned to provide IR thermometer and PPE kits for screening of approximately 2500 police pesonnels and 2200 municipal employees in the first phase. RC Panvel took the lead and the participant clubs were asked to donate a sum of Rs. 10,000 per club for this project. RCPIT Ch. Trust contributed the amount and participated in this one more chapter of fight agains Corona.

Project Details

Start Date 15-05-2020
End Date 15-05-2020
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 4700
Partner Clubs RC Panvel and other clubs of Panvel region.
Non Rotary Partners Indian Dental Association.
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment