25-06-2020 - 25-06-2020

Two schools viz. RZP School Nandgaon and RZP School Khidukpada were renovated by the Club as a part of the Happy School Project. These were supposed to be amongst the 5 schools as a part of Global Grant project, but could not be materialized due to some technicalities. E-inauguration of both the Happy Schools were done on 25th June 2020 at the hands of MLA Rtn. Prashant Thakur virtually via Zoom app. Guests of Honour were PDG Dr. Girish Gune and DGND Dr. Anil Parmar.

Project Details

Start Date 25-06-2020
End Date 25-06-2020
Project Cost 1000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 700
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners 1. RZP School Nandgaon. 2. RZP School Khidukpada. All the sponsorers who wholeheartedly donated for this project as the funds were collected via fundraiser August Melodies arranged on 18th August 2019.
Project Category Basic education and literacy, District Thrust Area