20-10-2018 - 21-10-2018

An orientation Training Programme for the New Rotarians was organised at Zhara Resort, Khandala. Total 57 Rotarians including mejority of new members have attended two days programme. It was a residential programme. Inaugration of the programme was done by PDG Girish Gune . He has given very good guidance to the new rotarians. Club Trainer PP Rtn. Prakash Shringarpure as well as District Membership Team has also given lectures. The sessions were very interactive. New members were benifited a lot.

Project Details

Start Date 20-10-2018
End Date 21-10-2018
Project Cost 82500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1580
No of direct Beneficiaries 63
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Others