Regular Weekly Meeting

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 24 Aug 2022
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Rotary Community Center New Panvel
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Regular Weekly Meeting
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting call to order by President. 2. National Anthem. 3. Welcome by President. 4. Communications from District. (President). 5. Presidential address 6. Activities of last week. 7. Activities of incoming week/month. 8. Other Announcements, if any. 9. Secretary Announcement. 10. Meeting Adjourned. 11. Dinner.
Chief Guest None.
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting 1. Meeting called to order by President. 2. National Anthem. 3. Welcome by President. 4. Guest Rtn. Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar updated on rally for Eye Donation Awareness by Lakshmi Eye Institute. 5. Update of President on last week's projects including Eye chekup camps, etc. 6. Rtr. President Mustafa and Rtr. MIhika Bhagat spoke on the occasion of Women's Equality Day. 7. Rtr. Akanksha enacted the performance of Sindhutai Sapkal. 8. A bollywood quiz was conducted by Rtr. Smruti. 9. Secretary Announcement. 9. Meeting Adjourned. 10. Dinner.